The team

How we look after our guests is absolutely central to our business. Every member of the team, whether front of house or in the kitchen, contributes to a truly satisfying meal at a restaurant.

We aim to offer knowledgeable, helpful, enthusiastic and efficient service, and place a great emphasis on staff training. An appreciation and understanding of what makes good food is key for all of us, and we conduct regular kitchen tasting sessions for all front of house staff.

We also try to foster a great interest in the London restaurant scene and often hold informal but in depth group discussions about recent staff dining experiences. If you are dining in the restaurant and would like recommendations for London, or further afield for that matter, please ask one of us and between us we will do all we can to help.

Key staff include Chef Matt Christmas, Head Sommelier Matilda Di Cecio and Restaurant Manager Debora Gomes.

Front of house, Chez Bruce

The kitchen team